Jose initially stumbled into board games in the late 00's while looking for activities to engage with teens while working as a Youth Minister. Trying out board game night for the youth sent him down a path where his board game library consisted of Zombies!!! and Ticket to Ride the card game to now hundreds of games. Jose enjoys playing games of all types, from quick simple to pick up games to long complex games. He appreciates that this hobby can provide such a wide array of experiences and hopes to share many of them with others.
First Appearance: Episode 118
Top 5 Games:
(this list is constantly shifting but as of typing is are my top 5 in no particular order)
Cosmic Encounter
BattleCon: Devastation of Indines
Dominant Species
Legendary Encounters: Aliens
Jose Chavez has hosted 31 Episodes.
Episode 138: Carcassonne Big Box, Akropolis, The Quiet Year, Mille Fiori, Union Stockyards
Episode | August 30th, 2023 | 27 mins 53 secs
akropolis, carcassonne big box, mille fiori, the quiet year, union stockyards
Episode 138: Carcassonne Big Box, Akropolis, The Quiet Year, Mille Fiori, Union Stockyards
Episode 137: Golem, Books of Time, Eleven: Football Manager Board Game, Mystic Vale, Sabika
Episode | August 2nd, 2023 | 27 mins 25 secs
books of time, eleven: football manager board game, golem, mystic vale, sabika
Episode 137: Golem, Books of Time, Eleven: Football Manager Board Game, Mystic Vale, Sabika
Episode 136: Troyes Dice, Sleeping Gods, Stonewall Uprising, Challengers!, Wormholes
Episode | July 5th, 2023 | 29 mins 4 secs
challengers!, sleeping gods, stonewall uprising, troyes dice, wormholes
Episode 136: Troyes Dice, Sleeping Gods, Stonewall Uprising, Challengers!, Wormholes
Episode 135: City of The Big Shoulders, Nimalia, Galileo Project, Lacrimosa, Gartenbau
Episode | June 6th, 2023 | 29 mins 20 secs
city of the big shoulders, galileo project, gartenbau, lacrimosa, nimalia
Episode 135: City of The Big Shoulders, Nimalia, Galileo Project, Lacrimosa, Gartenbau
Episode 134: HerStory, Detective Rummy, Steam Up, Votes for Women, Don't Talk to Strangers
Episode | May 10th, 2023 | 27 mins 39 secs
detective rummy, don't talk to strangers, herstory, steam up, votes for women
Episode 134: HerStory, Detective Rummy, Steam Up, Votes for Women, Don't Talk to Strangers
Episode 133: Pusoy Dos, Planted: A Game of Nature & Nurture, Let's Dig for Treasure, Featherlight, Game Roundup
Episode | April 11th, 2023 | 26 mins 30 secs
Episode 133: Pusoy Dos, Planted: A Game of Nature & Nurture, Let's Dig for Treasure, Featherlight, Game Roundup
Episode 130: Splendor Duel, Let's Summon Demons, Splitter, Introducing Justin, Why The F Did They Keep This?
Episode | January 18th, 2023 | 27 mins 25 secs
let's summon demons, splendor duel, splitter, why the f did they keep this?
Episode 130: Splendor Duel, Let's Summon Demons, Splitter, Introducing Justin, Why The F Did They Keep This?
Episode 129: Hello, And Welcome To The Five By
Episode | December 21st, 2022 | 31 mins 28 secs
Episode 129: Year End Positivity from Meeple Lady, Aaron Bradley, John Gonzalez, Ruel Gaviola, Sarah Ovenall and Jose Chavez
Episode 128: Jose's Holiday Filler Game Roundup: Kites, Super Mega Lucky Box, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, 6 nimmt!, Illusion
Episode | November 23rd, 2022 | 27 mins 12 secs
6 nimmt!, illusion, kites, super mega lucky box, taco cat goat cheese pizza
Episode 128: Jose's Holiday Filler Game Roundup: Kites, Super Mega Lucky Box, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, 6 nimmt!, Illusion
Episode 126: Farewell Reflections; So, You've Been Eaten; Floriferous; Mythic Mischief; Fjords
Episode | September 28th, 2022 | 27 mins 19 secs
so, you've been eaten; floriferous; mythic mischief; fjords
Episode 126: Farewell Reflections; So, You've Been Eaten; Floriferous; Mythic Mischief; Fjords
Episode 124: Long Shot: The Dice Game, The Grand Carnival, Honey Buzz, Super Mega Lucky Box, This War of Mine
Episode | August 3rd, 2022 | 26 mins 45 secs
honey buzz, long shot: the dice game, super mega lucky box, the grand carnival, this war of mine
Episode 124: Long Shot: The Dice Game, The Grand Carnival, Honey Buzz, Super Mega Lucky Box, This War of Mine
Episode 123: First Rat, Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Paint the Roses, Project L, Bullet♥︎
Episode | July 6th, 2022 | 27 mins 10 secs
bullet♥︎, first rat, mystery rummy: jekyll & hyde, paint the roses, project l
Episode 123: First Rat, Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Paint the Roses, Project L, Bullet♥︎
Episode 122: Zapotec, Cosmic Frog, German Whist, Heul Doch! Mau Mau, Concordia Solitaria
Episode | June 8th, 2022 | 27 mins 23 secs
concordia solitaria, cosmic frog, german whist, heul doch! mau mau, zapotec
Episode 122: Zapotec, Cosmic Frog, German Whist, Heul Doch! Mau Mau, Concordia Solitaria
Episode 120: Dog Lover, Whirling Witchcraft, Moonrakers, Pinochle, Village Green
Episode | April 13th, 2022 | 27 mins 49 secs
dog lover, moonrakers, pinochle, village green, whirling witchcraft
Episode 120: Dog Lover, Whirling Witchcraft, Moonrakers, Pinochle, Village Green
Episode 118: Lost Ruins of Arnak, Cat Sudoku, Red Cathedral, Dice Miner, Dale of Merchants
Episode | February 16th, 2022 | 26 mins 27 secs
cat sudoku, dale of merchants, dice miner, lost ruins of arnak, red cathedral
Episode 118: Lost Ruins of Arnak, Cat Sudoku, Red Cathedral, Dice Miner, Dale of Merchants