While browsing the internet to avoid pharmacy school coursework back in 2010, Ruth stumbled across the world of hobby boardgaming and headed to Amazon.com out of curiosity. Years later, she’s a licensed pharmacist, the owner of far too many games, an active member of the lively Durham-area gaming community, and the organizer of a small Summer convention appropriately titled RUTHCon. When not recording for TheFiveBy, she shares her gaming & comics-related thoughts in a curated fashion on her blog at Sequential Gamer and in a completely uncurated fashion on Twitter.
First Appearance: Episode 1
Top 5 Games:
In the Year of the Dragon
Ruth Boyack has hosted 104 Episodes.
Episode 25: Transatlantic, A Handful of Stars, Rhino Hero: Super Battle, Las Vegas, Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game
Episode | January 3rd, 2018 | 27 mins 19 secs
a handful of stars, bob ross: art of chill game, las vegas, rhino hero: super battle, transatlantic
Episode 25: Transatlantic, A Handful of Stars, Rhino Hero: Super Battle, Las Vegas, Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game
Episode 24: Azul, Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition, Favelas, Galaxy Trucker, Spirit Island
Episode | December 20th, 2017 | 28 mins 9 secs
azul, favelas, galaxy trucker, spirit island, twilight imperium: fourth edition
Episode 24: Azul, Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition, Favelas, Galaxy Trucker, Spirit Island
Episode 23: Ethnos, Sundae Split, The Lost Expedition, Cat Lady, Catacombs and Castles
Episode | December 6th, 2017 | 26 mins 54 secs
cat lady, catacombs and castles, ethnos, sundae split, the lost expedition
Episode 23: Ethnos, Sundae Split, The Lost Expedition, Cat Lady, Catacombs and Castles
Episode 22: Mythotopia, Marrying Mr. Darcy, Word Slam, Clank! In! Space!, Dicey Peaks
Episode | November 22nd, 2017 | 28 mins 8 secs
clank! in! space!, dicey peaks, marrying mr. darcy, mythotopia, word slam
Episode 22: Mythotopia, Marrying Mr. Darcy, Word Slam, Clank! In! Space!, Dicey Peaks
Episode 21: Steam Park, Gloomhaven, This War of Mine, Ascension, Stop Thief!
Episode | November 8th, 2017 | 27 mins 23 secs
ascension, gloomhaven, steam park, stop thief, this war of mine
Episode 21: Steam Park, Gloomhaven, This War of Mine, Ascension, Stop Thief!
Episode 20: Avenue, Splendor, Valeria, Caverna, Spookies
Episode | October 25th, 2017 | 26 mins 20 secs
avenue, caverna, splendor, spookies, valeria
Episode 20: Avenue, Splendor, Valeria, Caverna, Spookies
Episode 19: Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Seeland, EXIT game series, Onirim 2nd Edition, Healthy Heart Hospital
Episode | October 11th, 2017 | 26 mins 47 secs
exit, healthy heart hospital, mystery rummy: jekyll & hyde, onirim 2nd edition, seeland
Episode 19: Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Seeland, EXIT game series, Onirim 2nd Edition, Healthy Heart Hospital
Episode 18: Codenames Duet, Hanamikoji, Great Western Trail, 7th Continent, Scythe
Episode | September 27th, 2017 | 26 mins 43 secs
7th continent, codenames duet, great western trail, hanamikoji, scythe
Episode 18: Codenames Duet, Hanamikoji, Great Western Trail, 7th Continent, Scythe
Episode 17: Samara, NMBR9, Caverna: Cave vs. Cave, World's Fair 1893, Bring Your Own Book
Episode | September 13th, 2017 | 26 mins 26 secs
bring your own book, caverna: cave vs. cave, nmbr9, samara, world's fair 1893
Episode 17: Samara, NMBR9, Caverna: Cave vs. Cave, World's Fair 1893, Bring Your Own Book
Episode 16: Clank!, Dale of Merchants, Near and Far, Pandemic: Iberia, Favor of the Pharoah
Episode | August 30th, 2017 | 27 mins 13 secs
clank!, dale of merchants, favor of the pharaoh, near and far, pandemic: iberia
Episode 16: Clank!, Dale of Merchants, Near and Far, Pandemic: Iberia, Favor of the Pharaoh
Episode 15: Evolution, Nemo's War Second Edition, Chicago Express, Vinhos, Dice Forge
Episode | August 16th, 2017 | 27 mins 41 secs
chicago express, dice forge, evolution, nemo's war second edition, vinhos
Episode 15: Evolution, Nemo's War Second Edition, Chicago Express, Vinhos, Dice Forge
Episode 14: Barenpark, Imhotep, The Bloody Inn, Coloretto, Best Treehouse Ever
Episode | August 2nd, 2017 | 28 mins 19 secs
Episode 14: Barenpark, Imhotep, The Bloody Inn, Coloretto, Best Treehouse Ever
Episode 13: Istanbul, City of Iron, Gold West, Shakespeare, Suburbia
Episode | July 19th, 2017 | 26 mins 45 secs
city of iron, gold west, istanbul, shakespeare, suburbia
Episode 13: Istanbul, City of Iron, Gold West, Shakespeare, Suburbia
Episode 12: Concordia, Sticheln, Cacao, Mysterium, Roll for the Galaxy
Episode | July 5th, 2017 | 25 mins 46 secs
cacao, concordia, mysterium, roll for the galaxy, sticheln
Episode 12: Concordia, Sticheln, Cacao, Mysterium, Roll for the Galaxy
Episode 10: Dreamwell, Paperback, Eclipse, Port Royal, In the Year of the Dragon
Episode | June 7th, 2017 | 26 mins 57 secs
dreamwell, eclipse, in the year of the dragon, paperback, port royal
Episode 10: Dreamwell, Paperback, Eclipse, Port Royal, In the Year of the Dragon
Episode 9: Arcadia Quest, Pandemic: The Cure, Dungeon Petz, Ubongo, Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game
Episode | May 24th, 2017 | 26 mins 19 secs
arcadia quest, brew crafters: the travel card game, dungeon petz, pandemic: the cure, ubongo
Episode 9: Arcadia Quest, Pandemic: The Cure, Dungeon Petz, Ubongo, Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game