Sarah is a board gamer, swing DJ, and classic movie buff. Her first experience with board games was obsessively playing Cosmic Encounter in the 1980s, and she rediscovered the hobby a few years ago when friends invited her to a game of Betrayal at the House on the Hill. Sarah's favorite games are often those that create a strong narrative.
First Appearance: Episode 10
Top 5 Games:
Sleeping Gods
Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
Sarah Ovenall has hosted 118 Episodes.
Episode 109: Seikatsu, Mexica, Canasta, T-Rex's Holiday, Block.Block
Episode | June 8th, 2021 | 27 mins 9 secs
block.block, canasta, mexica, seikatsu, t-rex's holiday
Episode 109: Seikatsu, Mexica, Canasta, T-Rex's Holiday, Block.Block
Episode 108: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Lucky Numbers, Ginkgopolis, Burgle Bros 2, Pusheen Purrfect Pick
Episode | May 11th, 2021 | 27 mins 19 secs
burgle bros 2, ginkgopolis, lucky numbers, pusheen purrfect pick, taco cat goat cheese pizza
Episode 108: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Lucky Numbers, Ginkgopolis, Burgle Bros 2, Pusheen Purrfect Pick
Episode 107: The Field of the Cloth of Gold, The Search for Planet X, Downforce, Long Shot: The Dice Game, Beez
Episode | April 13th, 2021 | 26 mins 29 secs
beez, downforce, long shot: the dice game, the field of the cloth of gold, the search for planet x
Episode 107: The Field of the Cloth of Gold, The Search for Planet X, Downforce, Long Shot: The Dice Game, Beez
Episode 106: Field Guide to Memory, Fleet, Codenames, Ethnos, Cribbage
Episode | March 16th, 2021 | 27 mins 46 secs
codenames, cribbage, ethnos, field guide to memory, fleet
Episode 106: Field Guide to Memory, Fleet, Codenames, Ethnos, Cribbage
Episode 105: Codinca, Root: The Marauder Expansion, Brave Little Belgium, Dice Throne, Concept
Episode | February 16th, 2021 | 27 mins 48 secs
brave little belgium, codinca, concept, dice throne, root: the marauder expansion
Episode 105: Codinca, Root: The Marauder Expansion, Brave Little Belgium, Dice Throne, Concept
Episode 104: For Sale, Nova Luna, Cat Rescue, Arraial, Cable Car
Episode | January 19th, 2021 | 26 mins 56 secs
arraial, cable car, cat rescue, for sale, nova luna
Episode 104: For Sale, Nova Luna, Cat Rescue, Arraial, Cable Car
Episode 103: John's New Years Top 5 Count Down
Episode | December 29th, 2020 | 27 mins 38 secs
john's new years top 5 count down
Episode 103: John's New Years Top 5 Count Down
Episode 101: Meeple Lady's Holiday Guide to remote gaming
Episode | December 1st, 2020 | 26 mins 28 secs
Episode 101: Meeple Lady's Holiday Guide to remote gaming
EPISODE 100!! Carcassonne, Scotland Yard, Risk: Godstorm, Cosmic Encounter, Acquire, Ticket to Ride, Arkham Horror, Catan, Lords of Waterdeep
Episode | November 17th, 2020 | 45 mins 38 secs
acquire, arkham horror, carcassonne, catan, cosmic encounter, lords of waterdeep, risk: godstorm, scotland yard, ticket to ride
EPISODE 100!! Carcassonne, Scotland Yard, Risk: Godstorm, Cosmic Encounter, Acquire, Ticket to Ride, Arkham Horror, Catan, Lords of Waterdeep
Episode 99: Between Two Cities, Yedo, Jaws, Prowler's Passage, Fort
Episode | November 3rd, 2020 | 26 mins 33 secs
between two cities, fort, jaws, prowler's passage, yedo
Episode 99: Between Two Cities, Yedo, Jaws, Prowler's Passage, Fort
Episode 97: Spirit Island, CTRL, Horrified, ShipShape, Merlin
Episode | October 6th, 2020 | 26 mins 38 secs
ctrl, horrified, merlin, ship shape, spirit island
Episode 97: Spirit Island, CTRL, Horrified, ShipShape, Merlin
Episode 96: Calico, Ra, Stellar, Tsuro, Brew Crafters
Episode | September 22nd, 2020 | 25 mins 59 secs
brew crafters, calico, ra, stellar, tsuro
Episode 96: Calico, Ra, Stellar, Tsuro, Brew Crafters
Episode 95: The Crew, Finca, Wait For Me, Can't Stop, Santa Monica
Episode | September 8th, 2020 | 27 mins 32 secs
Episode 95: The Crew, Finca, Wait For Me, Can't Stop, Santa Monica
Episode 93: Chai, Draftosaurus, Big Easy Busking, Power Grid, Santorini
Episode | August 11th, 2020 | 26 mins 23 secs
big easy busking, chai, draftosaurus, power grid, santorini
Episode 93: Chai, Draftosaurus, Big Easy Busking, Power Grid, Santorini
Episode 92: Sonora, Dead of Winter, On Mars, Azul: Summer Pavilion, Kingsburg
Episode | July 28th, 2020 | 27 mins 53 secs
azul: summer pavilion, dead of winter, kingsburg, on mars, sonora
Episode 92: Sonora, Dead of Winter, On Mars, Azul: Summer Pavilion, Kingsburg
Episode 91: The Castles of Burgundy, Telestrations: Upside Drawn, The Game, Twisty Little Passages, Le Havre: The Inland Port
Episode | July 14th, 2020 | 26 mins 34 secs
le havre: the inland port, telestrations: upside drawn, the castles of burgundy, the game, twisty little passages
Episode 91: The Castles of Burgundy, Telestrations: Upside Drawn, The Game, Twisty Little Passages, Le Havre: The Inland Port