Stephanie Stone-Robb’s earliest game memory is watching her parents and grandparents play Yahtzee when she was 4 years old. They yelled. And drank. A lot. Which probably explains so much. Stephanie first got into the newest generation of board games in 2012 when a friend invited her to play a little game called Arkham Horror, and she wasn’t scared away by the idea of a 4 hour board game.
Steph’s board game tastes now leans to the quirky game and she’s a sucker for adorable components. When she’s not gaming, Stephanie hosts two other mildly successful podcasts and works full time for Geeks Who Drink. She lives in Texas with her husband and most favorite gaming partner, Dave, and a slightly neurotic dog named Kubrick and an overly affectionate cat named Dewey who wakes her up every morning at 5:18.
First Appearance: Episode 1
Top 5 Games:
World's Fair 1893
7 Wonders Duel
Dead of Winter
Stone Age
Stephanie Stone-Robb has hosted 34 Episodes.
Episode 19: Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Seeland, EXIT game series, Onirim 2nd Edition, Healthy Heart Hospital
Episode | October 11th, 2017 | 26 mins 47 secs
exit, healthy heart hospital, mystery rummy: jekyll & hyde, onirim 2nd edition, seeland
Episode 19: Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde, Seeland, EXIT game series, Onirim 2nd Edition, Healthy Heart Hospital
Episode 18: Codenames Duet, Hanamikoji, Great Western Trail, 7th Continent, Scythe
Episode | September 27th, 2017 | 26 mins 43 secs
7th continent, codenames duet, great western trail, hanamikoji, scythe
Episode 18: Codenames Duet, Hanamikoji, Great Western Trail, 7th Continent, Scythe
Episode 17: Samara, NMBR9, Caverna: Cave vs. Cave, World's Fair 1893, Bring Your Own Book
Episode | September 13th, 2017 | 26 mins 26 secs
bring your own book, caverna: cave vs. cave, nmbr9, samara, world's fair 1893
Episode 17: Samara, NMBR9, Caverna: Cave vs. Cave, World's Fair 1893, Bring Your Own Book
Episode 16: Clank!, Dale of Merchants, Near and Far, Pandemic: Iberia, Favor of the Pharoah
Episode | August 30th, 2017 | 27 mins 13 secs
clank!, dale of merchants, favor of the pharaoh, near and far, pandemic: iberia
Episode 16: Clank!, Dale of Merchants, Near and Far, Pandemic: Iberia, Favor of the Pharaoh
Episode 15: Evolution, Nemo's War Second Edition, Chicago Express, Vinhos, Dice Forge
Episode | August 16th, 2017 | 27 mins 41 secs
chicago express, dice forge, evolution, nemo's war second edition, vinhos
Episode 15: Evolution, Nemo's War Second Edition, Chicago Express, Vinhos, Dice Forge
Episode 14: Barenpark, Imhotep, The Bloody Inn, Coloretto, Best Treehouse Ever
Episode | August 2nd, 2017 | 28 mins 19 secs
Episode 14: Barenpark, Imhotep, The Bloody Inn, Coloretto, Best Treehouse Ever
Episode 12: Concordia, Sticheln, Cacao, Mysterium, Roll for the Galaxy
Episode | July 5th, 2017 | 25 mins 46 secs
cacao, concordia, mysterium, roll for the galaxy, sticheln
Episode 12: Concordia, Sticheln, Cacao, Mysterium, Roll for the Galaxy
Episode 11: A Fake Artist Goes to New York, Inis, Archaeology, Century: Spice Road, And then we held hands
Episode | June 21st, 2017 | 25 mins 50 secs
a fake artist goes to new york, and then we held hands, archaeology, century: spice road, inis
Episode 11: A Fake Artist Goes to New York, Inis, Archaeology, Century: Spice Road, And then we held hands
Episode 10: Dreamwell, Paperback, Eclipse, Port Royal, In the Year of the Dragon
Episode | June 7th, 2017 | 26 mins 57 secs
dreamwell, eclipse, in the year of the dragon, paperback, port royal
Episode 10: Dreamwell, Paperback, Eclipse, Port Royal, In the Year of the Dragon
Episode 9: Arcadia Quest, Pandemic: The Cure, Dungeon Petz, Ubongo, Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game
Episode | May 24th, 2017 | 26 mins 19 secs
arcadia quest, brew crafters: the travel card game, dungeon petz, pandemic: the cure, ubongo
Episode 9: Arcadia Quest, Pandemic: The Cure, Dungeon Petz, Ubongo, Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game
Episode 8: Tavarua, Odin's Ravens, Sagrada, Arkwright, Kingdomino
Episode | May 10th, 2017 | 27 mins 41 secs
arkwright, kingdomino, odin's ravens, sagrada, tavarua
Episode 8: Tavarua, Odin's Ravens, Sagrada, Arkwright, Kingdomino
Episode 7: Star Realms, Morels, Ulm, Kodama, Rokoko
Episode | April 26th, 2017 | 26 mins 41 secs
kodama, morels, rokoko, star realms, ulm
Episode 7: Star Realms, Morels, Ulm, Kodama, Rokoko
Episode 6: Alchemists, Anomia, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Roll Player, Celestia
Episode | April 12th, 2017 | 26 mins 14 secs
alchemists, anomia, castles of mad king ludwig, celestia, roll player
Episode 6: Alchemists, Anomia, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Roll Player, Celestia
Episode 5: Around the World in 80 Days, Doomtown: Reloaded, Stone Age, Nippon, Wurfel Bohnanza
Episode | March 29th, 2017 | 26 mins 39 secs
around the world in 80 days, doomtown: reloaded, nippon, stone age, wurfel bohnanza
Episode 5: Around the World in 80 Days, Doomtown: Reloaded, Stone Age, Nippon, Wurfel Bohnanza
Episode 4: Herbaceous, Kune v Lakia, The Gallerist, Nations, Jaipur
Episode | March 15th, 2017 | 24 mins 32 secs
herbaceous, jaipur, kune v lakia, nations, the gallerist
Episode 4: Herbaceous, Kune v Lakia, The Gallerist, Nations, Jaipur
Episode 3: Above and Below, The Oracle of Delphi, Gruff, Tyrants of The Underdark, Biblios
Episode | March 1st, 2017 | 25 mins 4 secs
above and below, biblios, gruff, the oracle of delphi, tyrants of the underdark
Episode 3: Above and Below, The Oracle of Delphi, Gruff, Tyrants of The Underdark, Biblios